Helping Patients Prepare for Kidney Replacement Therapy

This course addresses kidney replacement therapy and dialysis access options for patients with stage 4 and stage 5 kidney disease.

Target Audience

Renal professionals who work directly with ESRD patients preparing for kidney replacement.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, learners should be able to:

  • Describe the various types of kidney replacement therapies;
  • Discuss three lifestyle considerations associated with each modality;
  • State two common myths/fears associated with each modality;
  • Recognize the benefit of helping patients select the modality that is right for them; and
  • Name three patient education resources to use when discussing options with patients.


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Additional Information

Course sponsor: 
Course Length: 
Approximately three hours
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 3.00 Attendance
  • 3.60 National Association of Nephrology Technicians/Technologists (NANT)
  • 3.00 National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

 •Shaffeeulah Bacchus, PharmD, FASN, BCPS

•Debbie Benner, MA, RD, CSR
•Jerrilynn Burrowes, PhD, RD, CDN
•Jeffrey Connaire, MD
•Lesley Dinwiddie, MSN, RN, FNP, CNN
•Michael Germain, MD
•Rebecca Hayes, MSW, APSW, NSW-C 
•Mark Meier, MSW, LICSW
•Diane Perry, LICSW
•Jeffrey Rubins, MD
•Dori Schatell, MS
•Amma Sewaah-Bonsu, DNP, NP-C
•Laura Troidle, PA


Social Workers

This program is approved by the National Association of Social Workers (#886443948-8057) for 3.00 continuing education contact hours.


Dialysis Technicians

Through the California Board of Registered Nursing, the National Association of Nephrology Technicians/Technologists has approved this program for 3.60 continuing education contact hours. The licensee must retain this certificate for a period of four years after the course ends. (CBN Provider No. 16924)

Available Credit

  • 3.00 Attendance
  • 3.60 National Association of Nephrology Technicians/Technologists (NANT)
  • 3.00 National Association of Social Workers (NASW)


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Required Hardware/software

You will need Adobe Flash Player (version 8 or later) installed to complete the modules.  Check now to determine if the correct version of Adobe Flash Player is installed on your computer. If you do not have Adobe Flash Player installed on your computer, you will need to download and install it. This will only take a few minutes and the software for this player is free.